Sunday, August 24, 2008

Puppet Performance on Wednesday

Interdisciplinary Project Work-Habits of Mind (IPW-HOM) Puppet Performance will be on-going on wednesday with Ms Koe and I evaluating you. Please prepare by rehearsing with your groupmates even though one of your group members maybe absent on the day of presentation, your group must still be able to perform without him or her. It also means that all of you must have your own script on the actual day of performance and should not make an excuse to say that the script is not with the rest of you just because someone is absent.

Lots will be drawn which group to perform first.

All the best!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Deadline for Puppets


Please be reminded that you have to hand in your completed puppets on Monday. Ms Koe will deal with students who failed to do so. Kirthana and Maya will be activating the phone relay system to remind you about this too. So please pick up your calls.

p.s. Don't say I didn't remind you!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Something worth sharing...

"A Painted Race" is an inspirational 90-minute documentary that will tell the inspiring story of successful artist and Ironman triathlete Jason Lester. This is the amazing account of an intriguing young man who persists through the death of his father, loss of his brother and a debilitating accident. Through the course of his life, Jason is haunted by the same three elements that form the course of a triathlon -- a near-death swimming incident, a life-changing bicycle accident, and an obsessive need to escape through running. These three defining moments ultimately lead Jason Lester to face his past in the ultimate test of the three --- by becoming an Ironman.

After moving to Hawaii to learn from some of the world's premiere trainers, Jason becomes enamored by the island philosophy of commitment, tenacity and the basic tao of tiki. Driven by his ever-increasing passion and the thrill of pushing his body and mind to the ultimate limit, Jason trains to become the only challenged athlete to compete and finish the Hawaiian Ultraman (two back-to-back Ironmans), a feat that no challenged athlete has ever accomplished. "A Painted Race" will document Jason's journey from Ironman to Ultraman; we will reveal the physical, mental and financial preparation and the toll this plays on his body and mind. Our goal is to discover and understand what pushes people to such levels and how succeeding as an Ironman in the course of life can help one succeed as an ironman on the world's foremost triathlon course. Over the next year we plan to answer these questions and uncover new ones that together create the tension and build the excitement revolving around world-class competition, and that unveils the emotions that come from delving into an anything-but-ordinary past.

4 Finger Pianist

Watch the above 10-min video and tell me what's your opinion? Use the different expressions I taught you in class today.

  • I think that...
  • Personally...I think
  • I feel that
  • It seems to me that...
  • In my opinion...
  • In my view...
  • To my mind...
  • If you ask me...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

CIP Sale - Handcrafted and made specially to raise funds for needy children

Candid...hilman! watch where you are grabbing!

The very-hands-on students

Geeky Dudes put their hands together and helped raised funds for needy children by making handcrafts out of recyclable materials they gathered from home. They have really done a great job and I am very proud of them. Ahem...they raised a total of $60 from the sale of these handcrafts, while the other class failed to sell anything because they did not have anything prepared.

Way to go, Geeky Dudes!

Snapshots of Geeky Dudes in Action

English Reading Period

I hoped you did read and not stare blankly at your storybooks.

Puppet Theatre - IPW-HOM

Remember to do the script (dialogue of characters, storyline) for your puppet theatre project! You are supposed to hand in on FRIDAY 15 August which is TOMORROW!

Monday, August 11, 2008


This message is for those who use vulgarities in the tagboard. Do not violate the use of the tagboard even though you are given the freedom to use 'Singlish' in it. You are NOT supposed to use vulgarities. Thank you for your cooperation.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Support this Little Happy Shop if you can...

Please support my friend's Mrs Ruth Tan's (your ex-HOM teacher) online shop called The Little Happy Shop

Well, this is where you can find cute stationery, chic paper goods and other happy practicalities. There are also many gift ideas for happy occasion.

Do support by buying something if you can :)

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Article 2 - What Bugs Me?

Posted on 04 Aug, 2008 10:25
Kid rolls on floor of boutique, but Mum doesn't care

STOMPer Maria says this child was seen rolling all over the floor at a women's boutique, while her mother paid no attention to her and seemed more engrossed in paying her bill at the cashier.

The STOMPer says:

"Picture taken in a Zara store last Friday (Aug 1) night.

"Are parents these days ignorant of their children's behavior?

"How can a parent, after bringing a child to this world, be mindless about the upbringing of the child?

"Yes, this may just be a small issue of her lying on a public ground, but it affects how people look at this child and the parent.

"This girl was seen lying on the ground, doing log rolls all over the floor and her ignorant and irresponsible mother paid no attention to her and was only engrossed in paying the bills at the cashier.

"Is her precious Zara bag more important than her child's safety?

"The child could have turned and hurt herself or even get trampled on.

"Furthermore, it's a public place where foreigners are here. Is this the impression we, Singaporeans, want to give them?

"A country who cannot even maintain a good upbringing and proper education for children?"

Issue: What's your say about this? Comment on what stomper Maria has written about parents being mindless about their children.

In-Class Listening Comprehension Exercise

My Favourite Things

Take A Bow

A Moment Like This


Monday, August 4, 2008

Why Geeky?

A Geek is a person with an unusual or odd personality. It is just one who is considered inept (feels out of place, inappropriate), being a fool or a clumsy person. A geek also refers to being a computer expert or enthusiast.

Okay, no no! I am not saying you are a fool...I just felt that all of you have an unusual personality but not a fool. Dudes, I am saying that YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE...The geeks I am referring to because I think you are IT-savvy enough to be here writing comments on a blog. Though some of you may have your personal blogs.

It's going to be last semester for me to be teaching you. I really hope that some of you will heed my advice and do your best to achieve your own targets, be it promoting to next level i.e. 3E or 3NA.

So, geeky dudes! Study hard and stop wasting time playing computer games and out having fun. Don't wait till it is too late. I do not wish to see regrets at the end of the year.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Comments Edited - Please go read it

Dudes, I have edited your comments and responded to you. Typically, common mistakes like grammar errors, spelling and punctuation errors were found. Sentence structure needs to be checked as well. Some of you have really put in effort to write in good English. Keep it up.

Warning: Standard English requires you to use proper casing of letters.

E.g. 'I' cannot be written as 'i' in any part of a sentence.

'Ms Lee' and not 'ms lee', 'Ms Kuo' and not 'Ms kuo

I have only received 11 comments so far. Where are the rest?

Remember you will get marks for doing this. So please be co-operative. Thank you.